November 9, 2009

How Much Weight

How much weight should you use if the goal is to increase muscle size? The best strategy is called the Principle of Progressive Resistance. The idea is to link the weight with the number of repetitions you can do in a set. First pick a target number of reps. It should be in the range of 10 to 12. Then start with a light weight and do a set. You will easily be able to do 12 reps with something left over. Now gradually increase the weight. Day by day, set by set, add more weight. Stop adding weight when you can just barely complete your target number of reps. Each set should leave you absolutely unable to do even one more rep past that target. Then take a minute or minute and a half between set rest and do the next set, also up to the target.

Over time your muscles will quickly gain mass as you blast them. When you get stronger, you will find that making it up to your target number of reps becomes too easy. Once you have something left and can go beyond the target, add more weight until you can't any more. That is how you use the principle of progressive resistance to pick the best amount of weight to use.

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